The Best Home Workout Equipment for Summer

The Best Home Workout Equipment for Summer

Exercise with gym equipment is one of the best things you can do for your body. Some are the workout equipment which helps not only to burn fat but also either to lose weight or gain weight.

Stair Climber – Ascent 2040

Climbing stairs are one of the best effective exercises for not only boosting your cardio health but also strengthening your muscles. It also helps to improve the tour balance weight. This type of exercise is safe dor most of the healthy people. If you are worried about your balance, you have a weakness or any pain in your ankles, feet, knees or hips, any kind of stairs climbing may not suitable for you.
Stair climbing translates your daily activities into improved functions or activities, by strengthening legs muscles and of the benefit of stairs climbing is that it improve and help to maintain your energy power.
Here, are the five benefits of stair climbing exercise:
It helps to engage your various body muscles.
It improves balance and maintains body weight.
It is a powerful, effective cardio workout.
It boosts fitness.

Remember before using staircase climbing

Maintain your body posture

Start slowly.

Wear the right sneakers.

Control your breathing

Use a foam roller.



Speed Range:24~164 Steps/ min

Net Weight:190 Kgs.

Max.User Weight: 200 Kgs

Assembly (LxWxH)  : 1450 x 880 x 2140mm


Displays:LCD Displays

Time :0~99:59

Height :0~999.9m


Steps :0~9999

Power Supply:10 A, AC250 V

Seated Leg Press E-1003

The leg press is also known as Machine Leg Press machine Squat Press or Seated Leg Press. The leg press is a lower-body gym equipment machine that helps you to build key muscles within your legs. There are two different types of leg press machines, one is standard horizontal leg press and the other is the 45-degree leg press. Both workout equipment is used to develop not only the quadriceps, hamstrings of the thigh but also gluteus. It looks like a simple machine, but it is more important how to use it in the right way. You can emphasize different muscles by varying your foot position. It helps to build strength and power in the muscles.


Product Code:E-1003


All adjustment are recognizing by yellow knobs
The smooth running cam system provides a smooth and effective workout. Hand grips are placed with aluminum collars made up of an extruded rubber compound.

4.1 Bench

Bowflex is one of the popular gym workout equipment brands in the world. The bench press is used for upper body exercise in which the clients press a weight upwards. It is used in bodybuilding, weight training and also to develop the chest muscles. Bench 4.1 is an excellent addition to any workout exercise.


Product Code: 4.1 Bench



diamond1_blue_navy_8_04 Adjusts to five different positions for total versatility: 30°, 45°, 90°, flat and decline!

diamond1_blue_navy_8_04 Built strong to last long with heavy-duty commercial quality steel.

diamond1_blue_navy_8_04 Corrects posture and stabilizes positioning for a safe, muscle-building free weight workout.

diamond1_blue_navy_8_04 Comes standard with a removable leg hold-down brace for added decline position support.

diamond1_blue_navy_8_04 Wheels away for easy storage. You can stow it almost anywhere.

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